Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Blogger Award!!!

Thank you so much, Ash!!

Here's the rules...1. When given the award, you list 7 things that you love.2. Pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you love. Be sure to tag them and let them know they've won. (You can copy the picture of the award and paste it on your sideboard.)
Things I love...
1. My Savior, Jesus Christ
2. My boys, Jeremy and Hayden
3. My precious Lady Bug, Lizzie Kate
4. My family
5. Playing with my kids
6. Being at home with my family
7. Spending time with my wonderful friends
Now I give this award to 7 friends and bloggers (this means you get to put the cute little award on your blog so don't let me down by not participating and passing it on)!
1. Darty Family
2. Arnold Family
3. Thornburg Family
4. Black Family
5. Stell Family
6. Reno Family
7. Calloway Family


  1. Girl, I don't even know 7 bloggers---how do you expect me to do this? T

  2. That's sweet. I'll try to do this soon. I've behind behind on my blogging! :)
