Thursday, February 12, 2009

Traumatic Day!!

Well, this morning started of pretty normal. But, let's just say it wasn't anywhere near normal!! This morning while I was getting ready to go shopping with my Mom, I heard this really loud crash that resulted in both of my children SCREAMING!! I ran in Hayden's room and his Chest of Drawers and TV are both completely turned over and Lizzie Kate is in the floor screaming while Hayden, is sitting in the chair crying. Lizzie Kate apparently climbed up in the second drawer of the chest and turned the whole thing over on herself. She was half in the drawer when I got to her. I immediately called Jeremy and he came home from work and then I called my Mom, then the Pediatrician. I checked Lizzie Kate for broken bones and she acted ok. She was just very clingy (as you could imagine). When I spoke to the Doctor she said as long as her pupils were equal, she wasn't vomiting, and she could walk normally, then everything was fine and there was no reason to bring her into the office. I am just supposed to watch her for 24 hours. She perked up a good bit when MeMe got here. Lizzie Kate wanted MeMe to take her outside so, we put some clothes on her and out she went. She has a couple of scrapes on her face and on her back, her ears are both red, and she has a pinch mark with a blood blister on her finger. God really had his hands on her because if that TV would have landed on her the outcome would have been completely different. By the way, Hayden was crying because the show he was watching on the TV went off when she fell!! Please, continue to pray for her. I know she is going to be sore in the morning. Have a wonderful Friday!!


  1. Oh my gosh! I am so glad Lizzie Kate is ok! That must have been So scary! We missed you guys at playgroup today though. Hope to see you soon!

  2. I hope Lizzie Kate is feeling better. I hate to hear that.

  3. I'm glad that everything was ok. I can only imagine the fear of hearing the crash. I can't believe how big they are both getting. Seems like just yesterday you were having Lizzie Kate!
