Friday, January 16, 2009

Amoxicilin Measles

This morning, I got up really early and decided I would go run some of my errands. So, I took the kids to Jack's to get some breakfast, and when I turned around hand Lizzie Kate her hash browns and she was splotchy all over her face. I pulled the over and her arms were covered, I couldn't see her legs because she had tights on under her pants (because it was so cold outside). I called the Doctor and they said to bring her in ASAP! So, off we all go to the Doctor. When we get there they take us straight back. The doctor came in and said we have the Amoxicilin Measles. Apparently, Lizzie Kate is allergic to Amoxicilin. The Doctor told me to stop giving the Amoxil and to give her Benadryl for the rash. She did have the rash from head to toe. At least the rash doesn't itch and she doesn't seem to feel bad!! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!


  1. Oh wow! I hope Lizzie Kate gets better soon! Yes, Taylor is home now. I am so glad!

  2. Hopefully she is feeling better...I have always been afraid that would happened with Kason because I can't hardly take any medicine.
