Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Ok, Hayden has been having a dream about "BOGS" for the past three weeks. There are some dogs in a fence right outside of his window and at first that is what we thought he was talking about. Well, last night after Hayden went to bed Jeremy and I were sitting here watching TV and all of the sudden Hayden starts crying. We go check on him and he tells us about the "BOGS"! So, I have been asking him what they look like and he would just say "BOGS". And, he would say it like "don't you know what I am talking about?". Finally last night he holds his fingers up and says "they look like little tiny rabbits!!". It was absolutely hilarious with his facial expressions. Needless to say Jeremy had to go outside and send the "BOGS" away. It has been an interesting past few weeks with the "BOGS". We pray for them to not scare us at night!!


  1. How funny! Nightmares are not fun. Brady has always had them. I hope they go away!

  2. bless his heart!! Nathan talks and walks in his sleep alot, so that is what we are dealing with right now. The only thing we have had to deal with as far as nightmares is night terrors which are HORRIBLE. He has not had one in almost a year so hopefully we are done with those. I hope the BOGS go away and leave that baby alone.

  3. Aww, poor Hayden! I hope he only has good dreams tonight!
